New Mexico Senate Republican Office
Immediate Release
Thurs. Dec. 10, 2020
Contact: Diane Kinderwater
email or text
The Investments and Pensions Oversight Committee today will review state retirement plans and state investment funds, among other things.
You can see the meeting on the webcast at To reach a Republican State Senator for comment, please reply to this email, text Diane Kinderwater at 505-400-8848 or contact the Republican Senator directly. Thursday’s agenda for the INVESTMENTS AND PENSIONS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE:
Thursday, December 10
9:00 a.m. Call to Order
—Senator George K. Munoz, Chair
—Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Vice Chair
9:05 a.m. (1) Pension Obligation Bonds
—Erik Harrigan, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets, LLC
9:35 a.m. (2) Educational Retirement Board (ERB): Legislation
—Senator Mimi Stewart
—Jan Goodwin, Executive Director, ERB
9:50 a.m. (3) Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA): Update on Fiscal
Year 2020 Actuarial Valuation Results and Projected Funded Status
—Wayne Propst, Executive Director, PERA
—Dominic Garcia, Chief Investment Officer, PERA
10:30 a.m. (4) State Investment Council (SIC): Private Equity and Economically
Targeted Investments
—Steven K. Moise, State Investment Officer, SIC
—Richard Pugmire, Principal, Mercer Investment Consulting
—David Lee, Director of Private Equity, SIC
—Chris Cassidy, Private Equity Portfolio Manager, SIC
11:15 a.m. (5) New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA): Small Business Recovery Act
of 2020 Update
—Marquita Russel, Chief Executive Officer, NMFA
11:45 a.m. (6) Retiree Health Care Authority (RHCA): Legislation
—David Archuleta, Executive Director, RHCA