FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 16, 2022 Contact: Joaquín Romero (505) 506-5798 Senator Gregg Schmedes Applauds DOH Policy Regarding COVID Vaccine for Schoolchildren Vaccine Advisory Committee omits COVID vaccine from immunization requirements
SANTA FE – Today, the New Mexico Department of Health Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC) issued its 2023-2024 New Mexico School Entry Immunization Requirements for school children. The policy notes that while the COVID vaccine is "recommended," it is not required for school attendance. Last month, Senator Gregg Schmedes (District 19-Tijeras), a practicing physician in Albuquerque, asked the Governor to make public her position on the matter. Senator Schmedes's letter, delivered on October 20, was issued ahead of the VAC's November 3 meeting. The results of that meeting were not released until today. Following the newly released policy, Senator Schmedes issued the following statement: "Parental rights in healthcare decisions must be protected and I applaud the Department of Health for opting against an unethical and unnecessary change to the vaccination list. Roughly 86% of children have already been exposed to COVID and I have long held that vaccinating children against COVID should be a parent's choice based on risk factors. Recent academic data confirms that New Mexico students were disproportionately impacted by the Governor's school closures and we do not need to add additional barriers to in-person school attendance." ###